Thursday, May 21, 2009

15-17 Sara Weakly Oct 9/08 21 yrs old lost control TEXT MESSAGING FRIEND tragic lost location junction rd & Mt Misery Corner Pemberton Nj

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  1. Yes; My Sara was texting her sister and her honey; she was very upset and was going to be with Pete, cuz he could make her smile. She knew that road well, but she was also going too fast, was drinking and had no seatbelt on.I was told by her friends that the car had no brakes and a fake inspection sticker; witch there was not one skid mark, at all; shame on the 2 persons who lent her that car, cuz the friends said that the man said I will fix the car; do not let anyone else touch it; again, you know who you are and KARMA; one day KARMA. I would like for all to think of that, every time they get in a car; we have all done these things; without thinking of the WHAT IFS. In my Saras memory; we do fund raisers; for the SARA WEAKLY SCHOLARSHIP FUND all moneys go to Pemberton Township High School; each year her sister Samantha and I Kimberly Hemphill, her Mommy give 4 $500.00 scholarships to 4 senoirs and we donate $500.00 to their party and donate our time; to work the party. Anyone who wishes to donate to Saras fund; you can send it right to the high school; the account is on going. Sara loved school and what better way to honor her memory. 5 years ago; Sara and many other students did the same thing for Kevin Hains; who also died in a car and they did the same in his memory; so you can see; this was a no brainer in what Sara would want or do; if it was someone else that night. THANK YOU ALL KIMBERLY HEMPHILL n SAMANTHA WEAKLY

  2. She was a beautiful girl.Such a tragic loss.
